About Schools 

School Postal competition details Kilwell Postal

2024 SI & NZ Championship programme School Nats

2024 Southland Programme Sthlnd

2024 Canterbury area Programme Canty

2024 Auckland Waikato programme 24 Ak Waik


The NZCTA, in conjunction with the NZCTA School Subcommittee is pleased to advise that the High Gun winner of each regional school competition will receive a voucher to enable them to attend a Provincial Championship within the following year. Free entry into all championship events (including targets and compulsory sweeps) will be paid by the NZCTA from the school fund. Optional sweeps, other events and ammunition will not be provided. Shooters will only be able to win one Provincial entry per calendar year. If they are the HOA for a second time, this will be awarded to the next highest shooter. Vouchers are not transferrable.

A voucher will be given to the winner of this sponsorship which should be presented at the Provincial Championship they attend. The host club will then charge the NZCTA for the entry and targets and provide a copy of the voucher and a breakdown of the costs claimed.

This initiative is to give school shooters the opportunity to compete at championship level with a minimum financial cost.

The school circuit managers will be responsible for signing the presenting the vouchers at each school event.

Principals Attestation (to be submitted with entries) Principal Att

Nominations for School subcommittee noms

The eligibility for shooting Skeet at the School Championships has changed to be exactly the same as the DTL eligibility; competitors must have a minimum of 3 scores recorded in their handicap book, which have been shot at three separate competitions.

Risk Analysis and Management Plan for school clay target shooting RAM

Secondary School Championship Rules School Rules

Benefits to Clubs from School Shooting